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Friday, May 12, 2006
TechECE PhotoBlog - What say?!?!
While Kart keeps the Novel thingy running, I'll bring this up and try to keep it running. As is obvious, the idea here to bring up a foto blog and keep it running.

I dunno how many of us are fotography enthusiasts. I am one - which explains why I spent a fortune on that camera of mine. Though I have never embarked on a mission specifically for fotography (which I intend to do in the near future), I try to use the limited opportunities I get (read: Company outings, Out of town marriages) and improve my skills behind the camera.

As a result, I really have some good ones to show to the world. I'm here to ask how many of us share this interest. If we have a bunch of ppl, we can start up this fotoblog - which will specifically deal with the photos taken of and by the ppl of the TechECE group.

If you are interested, jus say an "Aye". I'll keep track of the ayes and then go about things.

The thing is, this has been on my plans for quite some time now. So, by end of July - I was planning to start one on my own. Jus wanted to widen the scope of the thing if I am able to get like minded ppl.
posted by Iday @ 5:54 AM  
  • At 11:05 PM, Blogger kart said…

    Me too fine with it but as pradeep said i am not sure how much i can contribute to it; So far, I haven't used my brand new Canon Powershot effectively.

  • At 1:04 AM, Blogger Iday said…

    that's good - i atleast have 2 ppl now, eventhough they say they'd be passive :)
    How abt the others???

  • At 1:54 AM, Blogger Ramkumar said…

    u mean seperate blog...
    do it hear itself da.

  • At 9:49 PM, Blogger Sunil said…

    A separate blog would be good. I guess some segregation would make techece look better.

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