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Monday, October 30, 2006
The flip side...
I got busy with myself and had dismissed the news about death penalty of Afzal and associated protests (for / against), as just another political stunt. As another set of Hindutva / Minority Appeasement gimmicks. Until this chilling article gave me a totally different perception of the Kashmir story. We mortals can never be sure of what is truth but this story throws light on two sad issues. One, the media playing spoil sport on individual lives, by it's hype. The second, the fear / indecisiveness / inability of the moderates (if any) in GOI to do anything against the extremists (people who take extreme positions :D) in the Kashmir Issue, as with the quota issue.
posted by Sunil @ 9:27 PM  
  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Iday said…

    Reg the issue of him being a scapegoat or not - none of us here can be sure coz there are a lot of politics involved :)
    We live in a world where we need to do some politics to even punish a real culprit ;)

    Even if he is remotely linked to the attack on the parliament, there is absolutely nothing wrong in hanging him.
    I wud accept it even if it is being done as a symbolic act.

    BTW - prad: ur profile pic really weakens ur comments ;)
    Is this man gonna say "attacking a parliament is wrong"???
    I don't think so :P

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Iday said…

    "you have to understand that V blows up the parliament as an act of defiance, not as an act to instill terror in the hearts of the general populace"
    I know that :)
    but still - blowing up a parliament is blowing up a parliament. LOL :)

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