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Monday, March 06, 2006
Size does matter - Part I
Humans are always proud of their organ's size. like the biceps, thighs, p*s etc.
These are the visible ones. What about the superficially invisible ones like our stomach. At times, we do show off our eating abilities in a treat or stand in the common toilet for many minutes together to tell that i have a great bladder. But how do we know the size.
I was wondering if we could know the size of the organs inside our body. I could think of two things.
1. Teeth - though the mirror could show you how it looks, we don't really know how sharp it is. I suggest we bite a banana or just give a gentle press to see how deep the bite has gone into the banana thus evaluating the shape and size of the teeth.
2. Large intenstinve - this occurred me today morning i was in ... u know where.
I have an excellent bowel system. the faecal matter coming out in a beautiful and elegant manner. It was solid enough. Isn't the diameter equal to my large intenstine's diameter. If it is true, then I have found out how to measure 2 of our organs.

Any more to add??
posted by Ramkumar @ 7:36 PM  
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