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Monday, February 20, 2006
I have a very basic doubt. The modulated (AM/FM/PM) signals are electromagnetic signals. Aren't they? The UHF, VHF, radio waves all of them travel in same speed, as that of light. Is that right? EM waves are supposed to be media independent. So what dictates the media to be copper cable, or coaxial cable or wave guides?
posted by Sunil @ 2:49 AM  
  • At 3:54 AM, Blogger kart said…

    I guess, the factors like attenuation+bandwidth would come into play.. in deciding the medium of propogation.

    Also, speed of light varies with medium and is not always 3 *10^8 m/s (which is in air/free space) ??!

  • At 4:32 AM, Blogger Sunil said…

    I understand the speed of light is 3x10^8 only at vacuum and different media means different speeds. You guys have given right pointers to rephrase my question. "We chose different media for different frquencies of EM waves. Why is that? What property of the media contributes to this selection?"

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