Experience is a teacher who gives the test first & then the lessons. This was one of the proverbs which i wrote in my school's black board.(we had a healthy competition then, who comes up with the best saying, this one made me popular). If you start thinking this one is about my recent GMAT debacle, no it isn't. Something about the lessons life is giving me about inequality surrounding me. I happened to see my schoolmate. Still searching for a steady job. He has done all sorts of jobs from being a PA, electrician to school teacher. We were once equal,....still we are equal in that parameter(both passed 8th). Only that the parameters which make us unequal have become more prominent reminding that i have travelled not so difficult path. Then, i met another schoolmate. This guy was above-average student with good handwriting and drawing skills. With a SC tag, we all predicted he would become a doctor without much effort. Even he thought so. Now, he is one those guys who is depending on computer centres for job. He knows almost everything. j2ee, .net, testing tools, now oracle....his quest continues. It is just not a coincidence that what we predicted is made upside down by Him. Once, we start seeing differences, we see differences all over the world. Think about our own classmates . Many of us have spent our college days bullying helpless girls (now ladies). Now, look at them. They know the world better than us. They know gas connections, investment plans, school fees, ration card...list goes on. When they got married, nothing irked me. Afterall, they are leading by just one level. I can catch up. But, now, they are ahead by two levels. They have touched the elixir called Motherhood. Look at me. still not sure where i am going. I can't dismiss the possibility of me competing with their children for MBA. There is a small creche running next door. They used to conduct all important functions. Recently, Aug 15, there were children performing shows with their parents wathcing them with pride. Being 6 feet, i could watch them over the wall from my side of the compound. "Rakshita pre-kg A winner dancing competition ++applause++ Sugunya, ukg b winner running race ++applause++"". A lady lifts the child & kisses like anything. amma paasam. Wait...I have seen her somewhere. No....it can't be...she is my 10th std classmate. I ran helter-skelter before she notices me and asks "inamuma entrance exam yeluthitu iruka, muraliyae college mudichitaru". Still in the parameter connecting us, we are same. But in others.... |
Machi - girls are not getting married coz they are better equipped to face life. They are because they are supposed to :) Something called Social pressure.
With all ur "i am still not sure where i am going syndrome" - u can still get married, if that is what u look as "going one level up in life". And i guess/hope u r perfectly qualified to reach the next level of fatherhood too :P But is this what u wanna do???
Life if full of choices machi. U r what u decide to be. U r what u choose to be!!! Hope i made some sense :)