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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Hunter and the monkey
A hunter with a blowgun goes out in the woods to hunt for monkeys and sees one hanging in a tree, at the same level as the hunter's head. The monkey, we suppose, releases its grip the instant the hunter fires his blowgun. Where should the hunter aim and when should he fire in order to hit the monkey?
posted by Ramkumar @ 3:14 AM  
  • At 10:05 AM, Blogger Bhaskar said…

    Gun should be horizontal at hunters head.... he can fire any time as monkey releases grip t instant it fires.
    t vertical velocity of both r same - free fall .. so it wil hit it..

  • At 1:20 AM, Blogger Ramkumar said…

    you are correct cherub.

  • At 12:04 AM, Blogger Sunil said…

    It can't be Ram! You have take into account the weight of monkey and blow gun, before concluding on your vertical speed. I believe the monkey will be obviously heavier than the gun. One more point is the speed of the bullet will be so high when compared to the speed at which the gun and monkey fall. I guess without knowing the parameters Pradeep asked for (excluding gravity), we can never be sure if the bullet will hit.

  • At 1:43 AM, Blogger Ramkumar said…

    if i remember my physics lessons correctly, acceleration due to gravity remains same for all masses which are only under the influence of gravity. Which means both an iron ball and a feather would fall at the same time if no external force is interfering.
    As far as the force is concerned, f=ma, it would be more for iron ball than the feather.
    In our case, the vertical downward velocity remains for both monkey and the bullet but the horizontal velocity is zero for monkey whereas for the bullet it is hight.
    Even if you argue that speed of bullet is so high, it means that there won't be any time for the monkey to go down and the bullet will hit the monkey.

  • At 1:58 AM, Blogger kart said…

    Ram is correct...

    1) horizontal and vertical component of the speed/velocity (of the bullet) are independant to each other. This is inline with the trajectory problems that we solved in maths and physics?!

    2) Mass doesn't come into picture here.

  • At 7:49 AM, Blogger Sunil said…

    Uh Oh.... An embarassing mistake....Need to refresh some basics :D...

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